For the final course project I chose to create a screencast-style conversation with supporting visuals. I used used Canva to record, and create the visuals making use of their multitude of templates. I was talking about artificial intelligence and machine learning for what I called the “Impossible Project | Welcome To The Future.”

The Genesis

Project Scope

This idea incorporates multiple facets of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The vehicle will be installed with an imaging system that will be constantly taking images and comparing them to your healthy ones on a server. In case of an emergency a hospital will have the ability to communicate directly with the vehicle to prepare the right medical attention required for you. The car becomes autonomous and send you to the nearest clinic. 

The purpose of the project is to design and create a system that can be implemented within a car manufacturing design system and utilize the machine learning aspect. The system created will be capable of recording and providing timely access to crucial data in the design of automated cars. 

  • As seen in the diagram, when the system being used on the test robot is used in a vehicle it will be able to will be able to do the following:
    • Analyze data from sensors which will be the non-visual data to be used in combination with the visual data coming from the images. 
    • Upload data and images to a cloud that will be used for analysis using pattern recognition. The new data will be analyzed against the pictures on the cloud already. Any new data will be analyzed and categorized. 
    • In case of danger, a voice speaker will be activated to alert the driver of what the system would have analyzed. This communication from the voice system will alert the driver of any precautions to take. 
    • GPS emergency signal is sent to the car manufacturer and server. 
    • In the case of an emergency, a medical team will be alerted so that they can be prepared to deal with the situation. 

Reflecting On The Project

This project was great for me to reflect on my definitions of a PLN and how it has changed throughout the course. My biggest takeaway was creating a diverse and supportive PLN that was detailed enough for someone who doesn’t know what AI is. Social media has given us a way to authentic and instant connections to the globe that traditional media outlets cannot. The importance of media literacy cannot be understated, potential biases that I have towards my passion project and acknowledging how my shortcomings change the views of other viewers or listeners. The continual learning aspect and how it can be supported with technology, and social media, as well ‘privacy’ are all things to consider so that we ensure that our social media is having a positive impact.

The Impact of My PLN

As I connected with my group and reflected on my own PLN experiences both during and before this course, I thought about the benefits that my PLN has already had. I am grateful to have access to social media to be able to connect with such a diverse group of people and perspectives. Social media has kept me in contact with teachers from my first teaching practicum in 2019 at a BC Offshore School in China, and this March one of the teachers reached out with information about a teaching position. We chatted back and forth for a bit, and I applied, interviewed over Zoom, and accepted a position teaching grade 5 in September before I was even finished my final practicum!

I am really appreciative of the fact that I have social media to be able to connect with a diverse group of people. I am able to keep in contact with friends and family in Zimbabwe and my other friends spanning across 32 countries.

Slido Mobile Interface
Zoom Call

The pandemic also scaled us back to being locked in our homes. However, the boom of video calling platforms has enabled me to apply for internships and be able to conduct work remotely. In addition to conducting meetings via Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams etc., instant messaging platforms and project management tools such as Slack, Slido, Asana and others have made the remote work experience much smoother.

What I’ll Take Going Forward?

The world of technology is constantly changing. What was hot on the market yesterday may not be top of the tree the following day. We have the opportunity to grow with technology, in particular, social media. We have the opportunity to connect with others from all over the globe, and our sources of connection, relation stories, and news seem to grow by the minute. Social media will always give us the power to connect and share stories.

I will continue to seek out diverse perspectives and use my media literacy skills. I will remember that everyone can bring something to someone else’s PLN. I’m ready to take my content creation to another dimension as a bunch of friends and I also get ready to re-launch our podcast. I may move from production to being on the panel. We will see if my schedule allows.

Please check us out on your favourite podcast platform. I’ll include the link tree below ⬇️

Works Cited:

  1. UVIC ECE 485: January – April 2021 course notes and assignments 
  2. M. Arbib. Computers and the Cybernetic Society. Academic Press, New York, 1977. 
  3. H. Asada and J.A. Cro-Granito. Kinematic and static characterization of wrist joints and their optimal design. In Proc. IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation,, St. Louis, 1985. 
  4. H. Asada and J-J. Slotine. Robot Analysis and Control. Wiley, New York, 1986. 
  5. S. Barnett. Matrix Methods for Engineers and Scientists. McGraw-Hill, London, 1979. 
  6. Jerome Barraquand and Jean-Claude Latombe. Robot motion planning: A distributed representation approach. International Journal of Robotics 
  7. Research, 10(6):628–649, December 1991. G. Beni and S. Hackwood, editors. Recent Advances in Robotics. Wiley, New York, 1985. 
  8. D. Bertsekas. Nonlinear Programming. Athena Scientific, Belmont, MA, second edition, 1999. 
  9. William M. Boothby. An Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry. Academic Press, 1986. 

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